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It is a whim, I decided to go to 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 18, even though I already participate in planning January 24 to 25, when the former colleague suggested my husband and I decided to go and see if we see any stars in Park City, as to check if there are any tickets at the box office. Not surprisingly, we were not able to participate in the film in Park City, but we were able to find tickets for two movie theaters in Salt Lake City, a little less than an hour away points. One of the films that we saw was "Hellion", marking the U.S. drama series, a movie that I highly recommend to all. In "Hellion", Aaron Paul, as Jesse Pinkman many of the TV show "Breaking Bad," the father Stars do battle for two sons of the turbulence to increase. Hellion dictionary entry is messy, awkward, rowdy or mischievous person. This definition perfectly describes Jacob, a 13-year-old son, Hollis. Soon the film begins, is to see Jacob smashed the windows of the vehicle and lit it on fire. Jacob identified and receive early school leaving and the threat is sent to a juvenile detention center. Jacob aunt says that she has to get quite a negative reputation in the community. Despite Jacob skill destruction of property and getting into fights, he has a big heart and loves his 10-year-old brother named Wes. Jacob invites you to Wes together when he goes on his adventures with his friends. May be Jacob, his younger brother on the path of crime
but he is always ready to protect the Wes damage. Hollis is a single father and has been after the death of his wife in a wreck. The film is to see Hollis visit to a cross road, leaving the audience to believe that the boy's mother in a car accident died suddenly. Hollis loves his son, but he did not after the tragedy were the best parents. Viewers learn that Hollis disappeared three weeks after the death of his wife and he left his son in the treatment of her aunt. Hollis is often not to take home to his boys. Instead, he has seen the works to build a house in Galveston with his wife wanted to live his family. Hollis' home with uncontrolled debris scattered everywhere and a pile of dirty dishes in the sink yet. Hollis also drink a lot to cope with the pain of his life. One day when Jacob and Wes are at home when her father is gone, get the child protection service workers. Of course the house is a mess, and it shows not the guys have a good life. Child Protective Services Worker badly Wes looked at his brother, who is on probation.
Wes then separated it from the Jacob and the younger brother to live with her aunt. Hollis is understandably upset and said to his son back, it is time to drink at any scheduled court date, weekly advice and stop. This is a difficult undertaking Hollis and the ability to increase both his son on his roof looks suspicious. Jacob is devastated and wants to do everything necessary to bring Wes back to live with her and her father. Wes will be less interested in hanging out with James and his aunt seems intent not so that the brothers spend a lot of time together. Jacob plans to participate in the motocross event, in the hope that somehow that citizens entitled Wes home. When the boy's aunt, who intend to move to another place, Jacob wants to do everything in their power, Wes home. Hellion "is a very powerful film. Aaron Paul, as boys, convey their feelings very well. Were several times when I felt moved and was in tears." Hellion "is more than just a hellion child interferes with his family life. Relations between father and son is studying and deep sadness that can occur when the loss of a loved one. Hollis seems to be a good person with a lot of love for his son. I do not know that he is a bad father, but may be its decisions after the death of his wife, to break his family even more by the film. important lesson especially in Hollis, and Jacob is that you need for your action to be responsible, even if it is a difficult task., I can tell when you see the "Hellion" in the video, as it is still divided into the audience to see, but definitely keep on your radar this Title emotional drama, which was also the spur-of-moment trip to Park City worth to see if someone is available at the Sundance Film Festival tickets.
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